英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 19:36:08
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1. Three hundred cats and 500 dogs will compete for top honors in an international pet pageant this weekend and on Monday.

2. The top 40 dogs selected from the preliminary round will take part in fashion and talent competitions at the final.

top dogs的近义词

1. The Park's Sun Weidong introduced with the help of the teacher's daughter hair hair hair hair tall and 81 centimeters tall and mighty, hair hair's daughter inherited the father's excellent ancestry, its height of 75 cm, with the top ten feats gained A match, Breeding excellent offspring, in the Ma Junren, where the teacher introduced the lion's offspring, in the Chen Jian Hua teacher introduced beads and Wangwang, Bart and Lily's descendants, methyl park since its inception by the celebrity guide, efforts to explore, elaborate purification of promote the breeding of the Chinese ancient culture and Tibetan Mastiff dogs to make God a share of strength.


2. Happy Education Lele adopt humane people living with dogs, a 24-hour care for your dedication to provide top of the baby happy life.

3. Small dogs can wearthe ringson their backs with a ringpillow sewn to the top of a doggie jacket or dress.

4. top dogs

4. The rabbit shot from its burrow and two dogs made after it at top speed.

5. top dogs的意思

5. As AKC-GS first international client, NGKC's goal is to develop its registry, advance the welfare and the sport of purebred dogs in China, and to evolve into one of the world's top registries.

6. The top dogs are the Burmese military, said Mr. Davis of Global Witness, which has investigated the Burmese jade trade.

7. She was concerned about a white top with frothy sleeves made of a Japanese polyester that in theory should have looked crisp but in fact were beginning to look like the type of collars that keep dogs from scratching themselves.

8. top dogs在线翻译

8. As the label implies, people with Alpha personality are those who aren't happy unless they are the top dogs & the ones clearly calling the shots.


9. Top dogs were awarded a VIP-Very Important Pet-holiday at the San Diego resort, and a feature in Modern Dog Magazine.

10. Good detector dogs excel at top-down control.

11. It is true that 2006 is the Year of the Dog in Chinese horoscopes, but it has also been the year when the dogs on the stock market turned into top performers.

12. My family (dogs and goats included) and I would spend weekends exploring the almost surreally beautiful landscape, eating lunch in a grassy field located near the top.


13. All this takes money and energy but then top dogs usually have large quantities of both of those, too.

14. top dogs在线翻译

14. In Jordan, where they once were top dogs, they have staged protests against a monied, urbanised Palestinian elite.

15. top dogs什么意思

15. People faver underdogs but follow only top dogs.

COBRA: The top dogs are in panic.(柯博拉:顶层处于恐慌中。)
Top of the list came questions, followed by permissions and information giving. It seems these dogs are regular little Lassies.(调查清单的最前面是一些提问,其次是权限和一些信息。)
Flea infestation was additionally among the top 10 diagnoses for dogs and cats.(跳蚤侵扰是困扰猫狗的10大病症之一。)
Here are just a few more of the top dogs and first movers he's uncovered recently.(这里只是一部分他发现的“优胜者”和“先行者”顶狗和先行者。)
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.(人都会同情弱者,可是只追随赢家。)
So you can see why David and his Rule Breakers teamwork around the clock to find companies that are both top dogs and first movers.(所以你可以明白为什么大卫和他敢于打破常规的团队在昼夜不停地寻找)
Some novel part-time jobs related to campus life are emerging in the job market, and it' s here where college students can be top dogs.(一些与校园生活相关的、新奇兼职工作正在就业市场悄然兴起,而大学生们正好可以借此大展一番拳脚。)
My family (dogs and goats included) and I would spend weekends exploring the almost surreally beautiful landscape, eating lunch in a grassy field located near the top.(周末的时候,家里人包括我的狗和山羊们和我都会出去游玩,去寻觅更美的风景,而且可以在山顶的草地上享受我们丰盛的午餐。)
Just because parents are not top winning dogs or not in the national ranking, is it a bad pedigree?(仅仅因为父母不是顶级的狗或不是在国际级别中,这就是不良血统吗?)
Belgium is the top spot for dogs as they are treated as well as humans and considered family members. Dogs are allowed on trains and in shops and restaurants.(比利时则被评为最适合养宠物狗的国家。在比利时,狗与人们的待遇一样,被看成是家庭成员之一。火车、商店和一些餐厅等公共场所都允许狗进入。)
top dogs是什么意思 top dogs在线翻译 top dogs什么意思 top dogs的意思 top dogs的翻译 top dogs的解释 top dogs的发音 top dogs的同义词